Adjusting To Customer Communication Preferences
3 min read
Perhaps the most important aspect of how the pandemic has changed online business has been the approach organizations across the world have taken towards their customer communication management (CCM) strategies. While it is true to say that the preference of a majority of consumers has been shifting toward digital for some time, the early stages of the pandemic limited consumers to mostly digital interaction with these businesses. Luckily, a majority of businesses hit the mark for what these customers were expecting out of a pandemic response. A fine-tuned customer communication management strategy is necessary even post-pandemic, though.
Which, for a number of organizations worldwide, is a problem. Many of these organizations are coming up short in regard to their CCM strategies. Customers should not feel like communication channels are limited with any organization considering just how evolved social media and the like have become.
Prior communication methods such as targeted advertisement e-mails or text messages worked well as a broadcasting technique. There has, however, been a paradigm shift in preferences and appeal over the past few years. Each customer tends to develop an opinion of how they want to be reached and communicated with. So, when it comes to emails, sending multiple customised messages may be a difficult task. Here is where companies like Simplelists (visit Simplelists here) and other mail hosting entities come in. They tailor emails as per individual preference so that there is no deficit in communication on the business’ part.
Changes over the years in communication trends require businesses to adapt in order to maintain a steady communication rapport with their clientele and customers. The resource accompanying this post indicates that the customer preference for high-quality CCM is rarely being met by the businesses they’re defaulting to. Knowing this, it should be less of a surprise when these customers begin to stop visiting these establishments and take their business elsewhere. Suffice to say if a company’s CCM is underperforming, that organization is at high risk of losing some of its customers. What’s worse than this, though, is that their ability to attract new customers is also tarnished. But just how can a company establish a high-quality CCM to avoid these woes?
High-quality customer communication management has a few aspects. The first, comes in the form of personalization. This extends from communication all the way down to experience (for which businesses might make use of solutions from somewhere like WISMO to ensure customers have a great experience even after their purchase is complete). Most importantly, these customers want to feel as though their unique wants and needs are being recognized and acted upon. Another aspect that makes up a high-quality CCM comes from privacy. Shopping with any business often requires relinquishing some important personal information. No customer wants this information in jeopardy of being stolen, meaning companies have to prioritize finding the right digital communication platforms to ensure the safety of their customers’ information.
While these two core aspects should be prioritized, there is much more that goes into a high-quality CCM. For example, take the interactivity that businesses provide to their customers outside of the store. Tools such as live chat are much more polished as of late, meaning customers have the opportunity to interact at an incredibly fast pace with actual representatives of a company regarding their requests. In industries such as online retail, this can be an invaluable resource. Of course, some industries will still benefit from having call centers where customers can reach out to a human with their questions or feedback, so the services of companies like ROI CX Solutions will continue to be in demand.
Perhaps the one aspect that connects all of those previously mentioned comes in the form of omnichannel marketing and communication. Providing a means to interact with your organization throughout any channel your customers may have a presence on is imperative. There should be no limits when it comes to communication with customers.
For more information, be sure to check out the resource accompanying this post. Courtesy of Conduent.